Unemployment in Czechia inched upwards to 3.9% in a mild increase of 0.1 percentage points or 1,422 persons on the October level.
“The share of unemployed slightly increased in absolute numbers in November, but the Czech Republic still has the lowest unemployment rate in the EU,” Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Marián Jurečka commented.
Jurečka also praised the Labour Office for serving as an intermediary for 262,000 successful job applicants since the beginning of the year, “which is a year-on-year growth of 77%,” while requalification courses “grew by 115%.”
Compared to last year’s October, unemployment increased by 0.4 pp, or by 27,199 persons. Overall, there were 290,425 registered persons with the Czech Labour Office at the end of November.
At the end of the month, it is estimated there were also 154,500 Ukrainians employed in the country under the temporary protection scheme, of which 95,619, or about 62% were women.
The majority of these worked in Prague (27,660), the Central Bohemian region (27,479) and the Pilsen region (20,478) and had jobs in manual professions as aides in construction, manufacturing, transportation, as well as drivers and service of machinery. Labour Office praised that employers “received employees they much needed” in these areas.