Kosovo's gross domestic product (GDP) recorded a real annual growth of 4.08% in the fourth quarter of 2024, following a 4.05% increase in the previous quarter (chart), the statistics institute reported on March 14.
In the first and second quarters of 2024, GDP growth stood at 5.59% and 4.25%, respectively. In the fourth quarter, real GDP reached a total of €2.81bn.
The economic sectors that experienced growth in the fourth quarter include manufacturing, which increased by 4.35%. The extractive industry, manufacturing, electricity, gas, steam, and air supply, water supply, waste treatment and management, and rehabilitation grew by 3.14%.
Scientific, professional, and technical activities, along with administrative and support services, saw a rise of 2.31%. The construction sector expanded by 3.88%.
Arts, entertainment, and recreation, household goods production for own use, and other services increased by 2.96%. Information and communication grew by 2.63%, while agriculture, forestry and fishing rose by 2.29%.
Wholesale and retail trade, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, transport and storage, and accommodation and food services recorded a growth of 4.05%.
Financial and insurance activities showed the highest increase at 8.82%, while real estate activities and public administration grew by 0.64% and 0.88% respectively.
Regarding GDP components based on the expenditure approach, exports of goods and services rose by 11.13%, while imports of goods and services increased by 8.55%.
Gross capital formation recorded a growth of 9.03%. Final consumption expenditure of households also increased, reaching 4.21%.
However, government final consumption expenditures declined by 1.76%.