Tourism has played an important role in the development of the Indian economy. It is a service-oriented sector which not only generates foreign exchange earnings for the government, but creates ... more
India's oil and gas sector is highly regulated by the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. The ministry influences exploration, production, distribution, marketing of companies in the sector. It ... more
The Indonesian textile and garment industry is an important contributor to the country's economy, providing a large source of jobs and export earnings. Indonesia is one of the largest textiles and ... more
The report covers developments in the SEE construction and real estate sectors in the second half of 2012 and in early 2013. Construction activity contracted in almost all counties in Southeast ... more
In 2012, business revenue of the Chinese telecommunications industry recorded the fastest annual growth since 2009. China has the world’s largest base of landline subscribers; however structural ... more
India's chemical industry has played an important role in the development of the country's economy. The industry includes basic chemicals and chemical products, petrochemicals, agrochemicals, dyes, ... more
Indonesia is the world’s largest producer of palm oil and the industry has been the economy’s most valuable agricultural export sector for the last decade. The attractive returns and strong ... more
Over the last decade, Singapore has established itself as the manufacturing hub for leading pharmaceutical companies in Asia. The country’s manufacturing output of pharmaceuticals and biological ... more
The Indian banking industry saw a period of consistent growth during the last decade, with banks along with their customers embracing robust systems and processes. The industry also recorded a ... more
Following rapid growth in the past few years, the Malaysian palm oil industry went through unprecedented times in 2012 with lower crude palm oil (CPO) production, as well as lower palm oil prices and ... more
India Pharmaceutical & Healthcare provides an overview of the industry in Asia Pacific and India. India’s pharmaceutical industry grew by 9.7% year-on-year in 2009-2010, largely due to robust ... more
Overcapacity and declining rates characterized container shipping in 2011 and 2012. Capacity reduction and export rush before the Lunar New Year holiday are expected to lead to rate restoration in ... more
Indonesia has a fairly small but fast-growing pharmaceutical market, with an estimated value of USD 7.31bn in 2012. The pharmaceutical market is projected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of ... more
China has the world’s third largest coal reserves after the United States and Russian Federation. In 2011, coal production in China grew by 8.8% year on year to 1,956.0Mtoe. The country’s output ... more
Malaysia’s GDP grew by 5.4% in the second quarter of fiscal year 2012, backed by reviving exports. Banking industry followed its growth trend, too, after the economic crises of 2008-2009. There was ... more
The global steel industry was faced with many challenges in 2011 and H1/2012, arising from the adverse external environment, soft international steel demand and volatile raw material prices. Thailand ... more
2011 saw unpredictable happenings of the European sovereign debt crisis depressing the global economy. In Vietnam, unstable macroeconomic conditions and negative impacts of the global economy caused ... more
The Indian economy saw a period of slowdown in fiscal year 2012. The country recorded a GDP growth of 5.3% in the fourth quarter which was its worst performance in the last nine years. India's ... more
Consistent with Indonesia’s robust economic growth, the domestic banking industry continued to post significant gains in 2011. Total assets of banks in Indonesia stood at IDR 3,653tn as of December ... more
Thailand property report provides an overview of the property industry in the Asia-Pacific and Thailand, covering the five core sectors – residential, industrial, office, retail and hotel. The Thai ... more