Journalists question how Robert Fico can afford hotel suite where the cost of two nights equals his entire monthly salary.
Estonia’s Elisa Eesti AS and CITIC Telecom CPC reported late on December 25 outages in three submarine communication cables between Estonia and Finland, the EstLink2.
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico made a surprise trip to Moscow on December 22 to hold rare face-to-face talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as he seeks to secure gas deliveries ahead of the end of the Ukrainian gas transit deal next week.
Hungary justified its decision by raising concerns over the fairness of legal proceedings in Poland, sparking bilateral row.
If the Latvian government's offer fails to meet the Swedish group's expectations, it is prepared to make an offer to buy out the state-owned shares in both telecom companies.
Italian utility sells out to politically well-connected partner EPH after years of rowing with Slovak government over country's main power group.
NGO accuses ruling ODS of obstructing legislation to tackle country's embedded corruption.
Russia’s contract to transit gas through Ukraine is due to expire at the end of this year, putting 14 bcm per year of gas supply to Europe at risk.
European Commission set to suspend visa-free travel for Georgian diplomats.
MVM will acquire a 68% stake in E.ON Energie Romania, which has close to 3.4mn customers, and a 98% stake in regional service provider E.ON Asist Complet.
EU foreign ministers consider sanctions on top Georgian Dream officials and limiting the visa-free regime for Georgians.
UK government will retain a “golden share” in the postal service, giving it special rights.
Slovakia's health system is facing a critical period this Christmas as doctors threaten to quit and parliament bans them from doing so.
Rating lowered to "A3", the lowest for 20 years.
Orban's solo diplomacy at the start of his rotating EU presidency almost led to Hungary being stripped of its presidency.
Slovakia prolongs exemption from EU sanctions on oil products from imported Russian oil.
Speculation follows comments by incoming Trump administration about European forces policing a future ceasefire.
Polish commercial broadcasters added to list of strategic companies after rumours of interest from millionaire close to Hungary's Orban.
Loan is the second part of a broader €1bn agreement with Hungary, which has a close relationship with North Macedonia's new rightwing government.
Refiner's stock plunges 3.5% after it announced it will not pursue its Olefins 3 petrochemical project.